God is faithful to a thousand generations - Ps. 105:8
Since time began, men and women have failed to pass on the stories of God’s truth and faithfulness to the next generation. Why are there places in the world where God’s Word is unknown? Because somewhere in history, and perhaps in many places, previous generations did not pass on the stories.
Everyone on earth today descends from Adam, Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah. These were faithful men who passed on true accounts of Creation, Adam’s sin, and the Flood. Everyone in the world today should know these things, but they do not because a grandfather, a father, or a son stopped telling the story.
God’s mighty acts didn’t stop at Creation, the Flood, or even at the Exodus. They continued on through New Testament history and have never stopped. He promised to show his lovingkindness to 1,000 generations, and He is still keeping his promise.
In Psalm 78:1-8, the psalmist Asaph has hard words for faithless generations, and he does not want their sins to be repeated. Asaph determines to tell the great deeds of God to the generation that followed him so that they would not become “stubborn and rebellious” like their fathers.
Taking a cue from Asaph - Ps. 78:4
This site is here to tell true stories of God’s faithfulness and marvelous works. His faithfulness is easily seen in the lives of His people. So, following the example of Asaph, I tell the stories of His people. I tell of God’s power, of His provision, and of His protection in the lives of people just like us.
So many have lived and died and been forgotten. But each story will encourage us, convict us, and strengthen us to trust our faithful God on the mountaintops or in the valleys of life.
A note to all who read these pages
Thanks for stopping by. I trust you are encouraged and challenged to faithful obedience by the stories you find here. I pray that through these lives of Christians past and present, you will see how big, how loving, and how faithful our God is, even as far as a thousand generations.