Ann Judson, part 1: Expecting a Short Life
When we look at those who are willing to lead the way, we should admire them for their courage, not belittle them for their mistakes. They've blazed the trail, they've pointed out many dangers; we stand upon their shoulders.

Ann Judson, part 2: “One of the Happiest Creatures on Earth”
Ann’s childhood was carefree and full of fun. Into her teenage years, she lived an outwardly moral but inwardly bankrupt life. She had room for parties and balls, but not for God, the giver of earthly pleasures.

Ann Judson, part 3: Testing God’s patience
Ann discovers the sad truth of the saying, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” (2 Peter 2:22)

Ann Judson, part 4: Weeping Endures for a Night
A few sentences later, the dam gave way and she burst into tears. Her aunt tenderly asked what troubled her. Suddenly, for the first time in her life, Ann no longer cared if her aunt, her town, or even the whole world knew that she felt she was a sad and dejected sinner.

Ann Judson, part 5: Joy Comes in the Morning
After a period of discouragement, followed by inner rebellion toward God, Ann finally came to a settled peace in her heart.

Ann Judson, part 6: Accepting the Great Commission
Some were supportive, but many thought that she was contemplating something “wild and romantic in the extreme, and altogether inconsistent with prudence and delicacy.”

Ann Judson, part 7: Goodbye, America
“Had so long anticipated the trying scene of parting, that I found it more tolerable than I had feared. Still my heart bleeds. O America, my native land, must I leave thee?”

Ann Judson, part 8: “No Resting Place on Earth”
“It seems as if there was no resting place for me on earth. When shall I find some little spot, that I can call my home, while in this world?”

Ann Judson, part 9: “All is Egyptian darkness around us—not a glimpse of light.”
All is Egyptian darkness around us—not a glimpse of light.

Ann Judson, part 10: Missing in Action
He, like we, must have wondered why God allows such inefficiencies in the middle of kingdom service.

Ann Judson, part 11: Saved by Shifting Cargo
On July 5, 1818, Ann and the Houghs sailed down to the coast. As Rangoon disappeared behind her, she wondered if she was doing the right thing.